Fighting Cancer With Cannabis

Fighting Cancer With Cannabis

Plant Medicine to Alleviate Suffering

Nurse Heather Sobel CNNC Cannabis the Story

Fighting Cancer with Cannabis Origin Story: In 2019, CNNC (Cannabis Nurses Network Convention) tapped Crystal Pyramid Productions in 2019 to videotape their San Diego event. At that time, we met the amazing Nurse Heather Sobel who facilitated the event, bringing speakers and conventioneers in from around the world to share their knowledge of Cannabis medicine. This meeting of minds also sparked our interest in Cannabis plant medicine. We decided to embark on our own journey of interviewing people about the plant over the next seven years. 

What resulted is this half-hour video documentary called “Fighting Cancer With Cannabis.”

It’s an enlightening conversation with Cannabis luminaries (scientists, nurses, cultivators, activists) about how Cannabis plant medicine can alleviate symptoms from Cancer. You can grow this plant in your backyard and make your own medicine.

On a personal note: Three of our friends all contracted the same deadly brain tumor. We encouraged all of them to try Cannabis to see if it could work for them. Two of them, Casey and Michael, decided to try the plant medicine in their journey, along with what their doctors prescribed for them. The third friend, Steve, decided against trying Cannabis. He is dead. Michael and Casey are both still on the planet. Michael plays soccer and Casey is spending time with his family.

The Story of Three Friends with Brain Cancer

Around five years ago, three of our friends learned they had brain tumors. Two of them decided to explore the efficacy and medicinal benefits of Cannabis in their fight against cancer. Today, those two fellows are still out there playing soccer and enjoying life with their families. Steve decided to trust his doctor implicitly and wanted nothing to do with Cannabis. He stubbornly held on to his belief that his doctor knew everything. Most doctors don’t even realize we have an Endocannabinoid System. They don’t understand the role Cannabis plays in human anatomy.

Steve didn’t make it.

Tommy Chong and DP Mark Schulze Fighting Cancer with Cannabis

When asked whether he thought that Cannabis had helped to heal his cancer, Tommy Chong told us, “The proof is in the pudding.”

“Fighting Cancer with Cannabis” has been making its way across the world via international film festivals and bringing home awards. People want and need the information they can learn in this video and the coming segments of our entire Educational Documentary series. You will find the video link above. It’s a very enlightening ten minutes.

San Diego Video Producers Patty Mooney and Mark Schulze Fighting Cancer with Cannabis